About Us
Mr. S. E Zarei in 5th decade of 19 centure , started working in Fars cement “shiraz-iran” as electrical especialist
Later he immigrate to capital and followed working with textile industry and power distribution.
This business was by his sons since 2005 that his fiat son Mr. Seyed Esmail Zarei founding the company simatec process co with its new regulation
Now 3rd generation of family Mr . Seyed Amir Zarei following this family owned company as director manager
2005 : Start belt scale manufacturing under licence of HASLER France 2007: to improve the BWF calibration stability , simatec designed axial belt weighfeeder successfully and named it "AXIDOS" 2008: first process solution as rotary kiln TM to increase capacity and decrease fuel usage in corporation with FLSmidth Pfister 2010 : Dust filter TM to increase dust collection capacity and bag life time and decrease compressed air consumption in co operation with intensive-filter and nirafon 2011: Alternative fuel TM to use refused drives fuel as alternative fuel in cement kiln in co-operation with FLSmidth alternative fuel 2014 : Grinding TM to increase grinding capacity and reduce consumption of energy in the mill in cop-operation with KIMA process and nirafon 2017: Concentrating TM to increase concentration of raw material in the process in co-operation with KIMA process and SPECTRAFLOW History