/ Products / Process Optimization/ Grinding TM
Grinding TM
Grinding machines ” ball mill . Vertical mill . Sag mill , . . . ” Capacity is changeing based on grinability of incoming material
This changes in different production line can be between 5 to 30%
The changes in grinability is directly effect to mill capacity but as it is impossible for operator to see these changes online ,
to avoid blockage in the machine , operators normally using minimum capacity of machine based on minimum grinability
Our system is online monitoring gridiability changes and calculate and auto-operate the grinding facility to use maximum capacity of mill at any time and as a result the capacity will increase between 5 to 15% by our system
ROI points
- 5 to 15% increas grinding capacity
- 3 to 20% decrease energy consumption
- 5 to 20% decrease variation of coefficient
Project plan
In order to start a grinding™ project we need
- Flow sheet and p&id of the existing grinding department
- Report of common problems
- Reason or goal of the project "capacity increase or energy consumption "
to design and calculate needed equipment and sensors and implement special advance process control "APC" module accordingly